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Make 1 Knitwise (M1k)

About this skill

The Make 1 Knitwise (M1K) method is a knitting technique used to increase stitches on the knit side of your work. Unlike some other methods, the M1K method ensures that there are no visible holes in your knitting. It involves picking up the bar between two stitches and creating a new stitch by knitting into it. This technique is especially useful for increasing stitch count when working on various knitting projects.

Video tutorial

Learn how to increase stitches seamlessly with the Make 1 Knitwise (M1K) method. This method will teach you how to increase stitches on the knit side of your work, without holes.

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How-to guide

Step 1: Knit to the desired location for the increase.
Step 2: Locate the bar between two stitches.
Step 3: Insert the left needle from front to back through the bar.
Step 4: Take the right needle and insert it knitwise through the back loop of the bar.
Step 5: Wrap the yarn around the right needle.
Step 6: Gently pull the loop through and release the bar.

Products that require this skill

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“Make 1” in knitting, often abbreviated as “M1,” is a method used to increase the number of stitches in your knitting. It involves creating a new stitch by picking up the strand of yarn between two existing stitches and knitting into it.
“Knitwise” refers to the direction in which you insert your needle into a stitch. When instructed to knitwise, you insert the needle as if you were going to knit the stitch, typically from left to right.
To “Make 1 Right” (M1R), you pick up the strand of yarn from the front to the back between two stitches, then knit into the back of this strand to create a new stitch.
The main difference between “Make 1 Left” (M1L) and “Make 1 Right” (M1R) is the direction in which you create the new stitch. M1L involves picking up the strand from the back to the front, and M1R involves picking up the strand from the front to the back.
Yes, “Make 1” is a common method for increasing the number of stitches in knitting, and it is a type of knitting increase.
“1 yarn over” (YO) is a technique where you create an extra loop or stitch by wrapping the yarn around the needle once. Yarn overs are often used to create decorative holes or eyelets in knitting patterns.
Yes, “M1” (Make 1) and “increase 1” both refer to methods of increasing the stitch count in knitting by creating one additional stitch.